Day : 1...... "couldn't sleep"

6/05/2014 04:42:00 AM

Jun 5th, 2014.....

Today is the first time for us....
I mean, we decided to lost our contact.
For what? Maybe all of you think that we just play the game.
But, for me, it's so seriously.
It was needed for every relationship.

At the first day,
I couldn't sleep well. I don't know why. I just like someone who have much problem to thinking of.
In reality, I don't have any problem.

What I feel, what I think, and what I dream is you.
Sometimes, I feel that you are so ignorant. So, I decide to loose our contact just to know how the important I am in your life. How big the effect I am in your day.

Hope that I'll get the answer 2 days later.
And I hope too, I can learn from this situation. Because, someday, you have much obigation outside just to looking for necessity for our new family And I have to understand about that.

Pay, miss you !
I'll miss our absurd chitchat ��
But, see you soon two days later ��

-your future-



  1. ngapa tan pake nggak ngehubungin segala?? haha

    1. Hhahha kan udah dijelasin tuh tan di atas. Lo nongol aja lg postingan begini hahhhaa

  2. hahahah iyalah, habis lu ngapa dah ah, ketemu kek cerita2 yuk

    1. Hayuuukk kapan ketemuan lg nih berlima sm kamil. Hahhaa. Ga apa apa tan, biar lebih berwarna aja maklum udh mau 990 hari tan :p


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